Discover the Power of Mini Robots, NAO Humanoid Robots or our Own Australian Humanoid Robot 'BRUCE' which we will utilise in a bespoke workshop for you. Talk with us and Maximse STEM learning for your students.
EdgyX game building environment which allows users to design, build and play new games. Students will learn basic programming, game design, logic, creativity, and working together.
Discover how one of the worlds leading Humanoid robots can help you with STEM inspiration & Learning this year. You can make STEM subjects Easy in 2016 – maximise your classes learning outcomes…and much more
Discover our cutting edge School Incursions in Game Design. From Javascript and HTML and APP Development we guarantee a Unique incursion experience…………….let us know how we can help you.
Discover how easy basic circuit building, motors and creating basic solar power….and much more is for your students with our unique Experimenting programme.